Sunday, August 30, 2009


Today was another day fueled by impulse.
It was decided this morning that a canine companion would be a wonderful addition to my current home, so my roomie and I took a trip over to the local animal shelter. However, after signing some paper work I realized that getting a dog was probably a terrible idea and decided to leave without a new animal friend. As we were leaving I noticed a large, brilliantly colored caterpillar sitting on the fence surrounding the shelter. It looked very alien/Alice in Wonderland-esque, and it kind of excited me way more than any of the dogs in the shelter, which probably means that I am better off not owning a dog.

this is the dog I almost took home though: (It seemed especially noble)

and now that I think about it, the kittens in the shelter looked a little extra-terrestrial to me...

Friday, August 28, 2009


mmmm... they kinda suck, but I have been having fun making these, and I guess that's what matters.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


these are real commercials
also, I got this nifty notebook from Hobby Lobby this weekend, so here's to 3 panel comic strips!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

school time, yum yum

Today was the first day of classes at USC.
... I only had one class, bright and early, at 8 a.m., and my other class for the day was canceled.

.... So with time to kill, I took advantage of the Russel House's free papers before biking back home.
And while reading the paper, I finally found the sign I'd been looking for all of these years.
Behold the story about a kudzu jesus.

... and with entirely too much free time when I arrived home, I made this:
(more trash, horay!)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

havin' fun isn't hard

when you've got a library card!

but in all seriousness, I have made some golden finds at the Richland County Library this summer.
... I was also able to find a number of my required textbooks (fo' free!)

I swear, the library isn't just for homeless people.

OH! and P.S.
The mighty-spidey struck again this morning... and it must've been post-meal time, 'cause it looked even bigger:

Monday, August 17, 2009

if you click this picture,

you'll see the mighty-spidey I saw this morning

Thursday, August 6, 2009

more long stories/misadventures

I was really looking forward to the past week (the week of August 2nd); the week in which I would not have any heavily time consuming responsibilities because the family that I work for was on vacation. Sure, I had to make sure that their pets survived, but that was no big deal.

..I was also indebted to the fine community of Columbia throughout the months of June and July due to a court sentence for a traffic violation, but last week I completed my 80 HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE (yes, that's right.. but that is ANOTHER STORY.) This meant I no longer had to worry about volunteering.

(I drew this very quick, sloppy sketch at the wonderful municipal court while waiting to turn in my proof that I'd completed my community service hours.)

I had braced myself to do a happy-absolutely-nothing.

... However, due to some craziness this week I ended up moving out of the house that I was staying in and into someplace new with very little planning or notice. Some of my roommates moved out kind of abruptly and the replacement roommate turned out to be a 31 year old guy they'd found on craigslist.

.. I know this was not an intentional act of spite but...
I am an 18 year old, female student. It does not matter if this chap seems like a nice fella.... I do not want to live with a 31 year old guy that was found through an online message board.

So my roommate, Amy, and I decided it was time to skeeeeedadddddle.

.... and since I am flakier than an oven- fresh biscuit I thought it'd be best to split before my landlords realized we'd left and skip paying rent.

... but they ended up dropping by while I was in the process of moving out and so eloqunetly informed me that Amy and I will be "SERF-VED" and our credit will be ruined for life and all that tom-foolerly that responsible people worry about.

It was hard to take Gregg, our former landlord, seriously though, especially since he was wearing a shirt that read, "I sold my mind on eBay." His wife Renee attempted to pull a watery-eyed- Oprah moment and acted terribly distraught because Amy and I did not feel comfortable expressing our concerns with her in detail .

... then they told us that we had about 3 hours to move all of our belongings.
... this was not an easy task for two girls, but I extremely grateful for my friend, Kirsten, who let me borrow her pick-up truck to move everything and for my semi-crazy former neighbor, Derek, who helped us lift and load the heavier items.

...but on the bright side, due to our landlord's general slack-ness, I have reason to believe there will not be any serving.

Anyhow, in a very short time frame, Amy and I found somewhere else to live and moved everyyyythang

.. this past week was wacky, and I did not get to spend hours doing absolutely nothing like I wished to (well, actually, I was wanting to attempt to build some furniture out of odds and ends that I'd found and make postcards, but I didn't get to do those things either.)

....and despite the stressfulness, I am so, so glad that my living situation has changed because the other situation had turned into bohemia-gone-sour, even before the arrival of a 31 year old stranger.
I didn't realize how sour it was until I moved into a different, better place.

and, of course, here are s'more pictures:

moving into a new place was mighty expensive, due to that necessary security deposit, so Amy and I ended up treking out to the middle of nowhere to clean the lake home of one my family's acquaintances for some extra cash (this was yet another drawn-out misadventure, but I will spare you that story)
the stickers on her truck may give you some indication of her personality though...

and the lake looked pretty, but to my dismay, it was stagnant and bug infested.


matching dish sets... I feel like a yuppie.

an exciting new luxury that we did not previously have... stocking the fridge was a celebratory event

Goodwill dumpster diving for home goods! (and jumping on piles of old matresses.. waaay fun)

like good Americans, we decided to exercise our 2nd Ammendment right and include a gun rack in our new home
I decorated a trash can for our kitchen...

Amy made this awesome table top from a garage sale mirror and some other crafty stuff we had in the house

... and we colored in this nice dollar tree poster

and life happens to be pretty good, and I can not say that I am ever bored.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

the infamous Mount Zion..

I decided to go to my hometown this weekend, mostly because I had an overwhelming urge to hang with my little brother (not kidding) and because I wanted to dodge my landlord so that I could avoid paying rent for a little while.

I spent my Sunday partaking in what one may call middle school bliss. Middle schoolers have an uncanny desire to explore the places you're not supposed to explore (and it turns out that I have yet to outgrow these urges.)

... so when my little brother asked me if I wanted to break into the abandoned school (known as Mnt. Zion) near our house I probably should have said, "No! That's dangerous! You should know better."
Instead I said, "Yeah, why not... do we have a flashlight?"

.... I ended up prowling through this school that has been neglected for atleast 30 years with my little brother and his best friend, Blair (who is kind of like a little sister/cousin hybrid.)
Responsible role model? I think not... but what can you do? Maybe I should be embarrassed but shame's for people who know better.

...So here are some photos of all the dilapidated glory (or low budget horror movie gold... or an ideal future residence for squatters)

there it is, the Fairfield County right of passage

shower room

.. and I saw this sign on the walk home (and added in some "paint"-style editing)

... my little bro and I made this doodle later in the evening.

that's all, folks